
High and low torque handpieces: cutting dynamics, enamel cracking and tooth temperature. T F Watson, D Flanagan, and D G Stone Br Dent J 2000; 188: 680–686


The development of the air-turbine changed forever the way in which dental hard tissues were removed and this instrument has become the mainstay of operative dental procedures. There are disadvantages to the use of these high-speed low-torque machines, however, not least the lack of tactile feedback. The use of a high-torque handpiece run from a high-speed electric motor may increase tactile awarenesss but may cut enamel in a different way thereby causing more damage to the tooth.

This paper describes the use of sophisticated technology to record in real time the effects of cutting of tooth hard tissue with both a low-torque and high-torque handpiece. Confocal microscopic examination allowed analysis of the sub-surface enamel to investigate the presence of potentially damaging cracks. Finally, comparisons were made of the rise in temperature within the tooth between the two handpieces. The speed of advance of the bur was varied from 1mm per minute to 5 mm per minute.

Cutting using the low-speed high-torque handpiece was comparable with the high-speed low-torque handpiece when the bur was advanced slowly. Increasing the rate of advance of the bur in the air-turbine handpiece tended to cause stalling. There were no such difficulties for the high torque handpiece. There was no difference in subsurface cracking between the two handpiece types. When the temperature within the pulp chamber was measured there was no significant difference between the two handpieces. The use of water coolant significantly reduced the temperature and the diamond bur generated more heat than the tungsten carbide bur.

The stalling that occurs with the air-turbine when subjected to higher loads is well known and hence the recommendation to use this handpiece with light brushstrokes. The use of the high torque handpiece would allow greater loads to be applied while not necessarily inducing iatrogenic damage to the dental pulp or hard tissues. Despite using considerable forces with the high torque speed-increasing handpiece the temperature within the pulp chamber did not increase above 35°C. The use of suitable water coolant at the cutting site of the bur is known to reduce the likelihood of irreversible changes in the dental pulp. Interestingly, the tungsten carbide bur produced less heat than the diamond bur and this was attributed to the increased area of contact to tooth with the latter.