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Midbrain presynaptic dopamine tone predicts sustained and transient neural response to emotional salience in humans: fMRI, MEG and FDOPA PET

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We thank our colleagues at the NMR centre, MEG core facility and PET department for their technical support. We also thank Drs Christian van der Gaag and Christian Keysers for access to the video stimuli and Drs Caroline F Zink and Alex Martin for helpful comments. This work is supported by the intramural research program of the National Institute Of Mental Health.

Author contributions

MJ conceived and designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. TN, MJ, PK, AI, DR, JSK, TH, FWC and JCM performed the experiments and analyzed the data; PK and SER contributed analytical tools and PK performed video timecourse analysis. RC and KFB supervised all the aspects of this project. All authors contributed to the manuscript.

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Correspondence to M Jabbi.

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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Jabbi, M., Nash, T., Kohn, P. et al. Midbrain presynaptic dopamine tone predicts sustained and transient neural response to emotional salience in humans: fMRI, MEG and FDOPA PET. Mol Psychiatry 18, 4–6 (2013).

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