Lee S-S et al. (2004) Congenital penile curvature: long-term results of operative treatment using the plication procedure. Asian J Androl 6: 273–276

Congenital penile curvature can cause severe sexual and psychological problems. Lee and colleagues have evaluated the long-term outcome of its surgical correction by corporeal plication.

Over a 10-year period, 106 patients aged 17–31 years were treated for congenital penile curvature. The angle of curvature—whether ventral, lateral, or both—was between 30° and 90° and all patients had difficulties with vaginal penetration and/or had psychological problems. In each case, an attempt was made to correct the curvature by first inducing an artificial erection and then placing one or two pairs of nonabsorbable, longitudinal plication sutures through the tunica albuginea on the convex side. The tension of the sutures was then adjusted until the penis appeared straight. Patients were followed up for a mean of 69.3 months.

Of the 68 patients who completed the postoperative evaluation, excellent penile straightening was achieved in 62 (91%) patients and a 'good' result (<15° residual curvature) was recorded in the remainder. Erectile function was unaffected in all but one of the patients. Shortening of the penis was reported by 26 (38%) patients but this caused dissatisfaction in only one case and overall patient satisfaction with the procedure was high.

Lee et al. conclude that corporeal plication was an effective and durable means of correcting penile curvature in these patients. They note, however, that patients considering surgery should be made aware of the potential drawback of penile shortening.