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Quantum dynamics of a mobile spin impurity


One of the elementary processes in quantum magnetism is the propagation of spin excitations. Here we study the quantum dynamics of a deterministically created spin-impurity atom, as it propagates in a one-dimensional lattice system. We probe the spatial probability distribution of the impurity at different times using single-site-resolved imaging of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. In the Mott-insulating regime, the quantum-coherent propagation of a magnetic excitation in the Heisenberg model can be observed using a post-selection technique. Extending the study to the superfluid regime of the bath, we quantitatively determine how the bath affects the motion of the impurity, showing evidence of polaronic behaviour. The experimental data agree with theoretical predictions, allowing us to determine the effect of temperature on the impurity motion. Our results provide a new approach to studying quantum magnetism, mobile impurities in quantum fluids and polarons in lattice systems.

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Figure 1: Coherent propagation of a single spin excitation in the Heisenberg model.
Figure 2: Dynamics of a mobile spin impurity.
Figure 3: Effect of thermal excitations on the coherent spin dynamics.
Figure 4: Spin dynamics across the superfluid-to-Mott-insulator transition.
Figure 5: Influence of the impurity on the superfluid bath.

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We thank C. Weitenberg for his contribution to the addressing scheme. This work was supported by MPG, DFG, EU (NAMEQUAM, AQUTE, Marie Curie Fellowship to M.C.) and JSPS (Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad to T.F.) and in part by the Swiss NSF under MaNEP and Division II.

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Fukuhara, T., Kantian, A., Endres, M. et al. Quantum dynamics of a mobile spin impurity. Nature Phys 9, 235–241 (2013).

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