Introduction Mithocondrial Q10 (ubiquinone) plays a role in the regulation of the velocity of respiratory chain but data on its effect as antioxidant agent during the stress of delivery are still lacking.

Aim of this study was to evaluate the possible relationship existing between plasmatic Q10 concentrations and changes in tissue metabolic demand which is higher during natural delivery (ND=group 1) than cesarean section (CS=group 2).

Methods We determined plasmatic CoQ levels (μg/ml), by HPLC method, in 15 mothers of group 1 and in 15 mothers of group 2, and we compared the plasmatic CoQ concentration in mothers' plasma and in cord blood (CB) of group 1 and 2.

Results Values are given as mean ± SD. * p < 0.001 ND vs CS Table

Table 1

Conclusions We observed a higher plasmatic CoQ level in mothers and CB of group 1 compared with group 2; this observation suggests that an increase in energetic demand (as happens in ND in comparison with CS) can stimulate the biosynthesis of CoQ and/or its release in order to increase tissue protection against oxidative stress.