
Implications of artificial intelligence in learning and education

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize learning and teaching, introducing a new and unfamiliar type of learner. Such technology is fundamentally a tool for our disposal, and like any tool, we must understand how it works and how best to deploy it.

This special Collection in npj Science of Learning invites research on the functional operation and capability of modern AI, and the consequent implications of its use as a technology to enhance learning and pedagogy. We particularly welcome articles that examine AI's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in teaching and learning, and those that address ethical, societal, and broader educational considerations associated with its implementation.

We will consider theoretical work and review papers, and give highest priority to empirical studies on human-AI interaction. We will not consider work focused only on AI, e.g; algoritm analysis. Please see here for guidance.

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On the right hand side of the image, there is a side view of robot hand typing on a laptop; on the left hand side of the image there is the image of a human hand writing on paper using a pen


  • Benjamin Ultan Cowley

    Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland.

  • Darryl Charles

    Senior Lecturer in Games Design, School of Arts & Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Ulster University, Northern Ireland

Articles will be displayed here once they are published.