Fig. 3 | Nature Communications

Fig. 3

From: Coralgal reef morphology records punctuated sea-level rise during the last deglaciation

Fig. 3

True coralgal reef morphologies as evidenced by high-resolution multibeam bathymetric maps. a Detailed bathymetry (contour interval 0.5 m) displays a clear example of spurs and grooves on the south-eastern margin of Baker Bank (see Fig. 2a for location), b Picture of modern spurs and grooves in front of the Belize Barrier Reef east of Tobacco Range, (Photo by Brandon Martin) as an analog for Fig. 3a; note the similar scales between both fossil and modern spur and grove sets. c Oblique bird eye view of Dream Bank displays clear atoll morphologies, rimmed margins enclosing shallow lagoon, at two different levels. d Side view of Dream Bank (VE: ×20) displays a series of terraces, characteristic morphology of coralgal reef backstepping in response to punctuated high rates of sea-level rise26. e Slope angle map for Dream Bank clearly identifies the well-defined terraces and faces (shown in 3D), where red color (steep slopes) represents terrace faces and green color (gentle slopes) terrace flats. f Plotted depths to crest of the ten drowned banks, eight of which lie within a 3–4 m-depth range from 57.5 to 61.8 mbsl. Such a narrow depth range testifies to their contemporaneous demise

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