Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: Fungal root symbionts of high-altitude vascular plants in the Himalayas

Figure 5

Analysis of AMF community patterns. (A) Ordination diagram with the first two partial RDA axes (axes explain 9.2% of the variance left after accounting for phylogenetic relations) showing the relationship between OTU composition and elevation. Small arrows point in the direction of increasing expected values of OTUs occurrence, the large arrow points in the direction of increasing expected value of elevation. The twenty best-fitted plant species are shown. AMF families are indicated by arrow type: Glomeraceae (empty grey arrows), Gigasporaceae (filled grey arrow), Acaulosporacea (filled black arrow with dashed line), Claroideoglomeraceae (empty black arrows), Pacisporaceae (empty grey arrow with dotted line), Diversisporaceae (filled black arrows). For plant taxa, the first four letters from genus and species names are used in diagram, full names are in Table S1. (B) Presence-absence heat map showing the occurrence of individual OTUs in different habitats.

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