Figure 5 | Oncogene

Figure 5

From: ΔMEKK3:ER* activation induces a p38α/β2-dependent cell cycle arrest at the G2 checkpoint

Figure 5

Activation of ΔMEKK3:ER* prevents cells from initiating mitosis. (a) CM3.3 and (b) RM3.21 cells were blocked with 1 μg/ml aphidicolin for 16 h and then released for the indicated times. At the time of release, cells were either treated with ethanol (vehicle control, top panel) or 100 nM 4-HT (bottom panel). Cells were then harvested, fixed and stained with propidium iodide before being examined by flow cytometry. Representative cell cycle histograms are displayed (A and B). (c) Aphidicolin synchronized RM3.21 cells were released for 7 h before being stimulated with either ethanol or 100 nM 4-HT. Mitotic cells were trapped 3 h post 4-HT stimulation by the addition of 250 ng/ml nocodazole for 14 h. Mitotic index was determined as described in Materials and methods. (d) Corresponding representative photographs of geimsa-stained chromosomes obtained following nocodazole trapping of RM3.21 cells (40× magnification)

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