Figure 2 | Leukemia

Figure 2

From: Simultaneous detection of the immunophenotypic markers and genetic aberrations on routinely processed paraffin sections of lymphoma samples by means of the FICTION technique

Figure 2

Application of FICTION technique on paraffin sections of lymphomas. (a) Case of HD where HRS cells are stained with CD30 monoclonal antibody in red and CD20+ lymphocytes are stained in green. Both populations present a normal CCND1 genotype as indicated by the absence of fusion signals. (b) Case of HD where HRS cells are stained with CD30 monoclonal antibody in red and CD20+ lymphocytes are stained in green. Both populations are normal for the BCL6 gene as indicated by the presence of two yellow fusion signals. (c) Case of ALCL. The CD30+ tumour cells in red show the presence of the t(2;5) translocation as indicated by the presence of two separate signals one green and one red (arrowheads), and one fused yellow signal. The non-neoplastic cells stained with CD20 monoclonal antibody present a normal genotype as indicated by the presence of the two fused yellow signals. (d) Case of MCL where tumour cells are stained with CD20 monoclonal antibody (green) and CD8+ normal cells are stained in red. The CD20+ population carry the t(11:14) translocation indicated by the presence of one red, one green and two yellow fusion signals (arrowheads). The normal CD8+ population has normal CCND1 genotype as indicated by the presence of two green and two red signals. (e) Case of FCL where tumour cells are detected with CD20 monoclonal antibody (green) and normal CD8+ cells are stained in red. The CD20+ tumour population carry the t(14:18) translocation as indicated by the presence of the two fusion signals (arrowheads) and the CD8+ cells present a normal genotype as indicated by the presence of two green and two red signals. (f) Case of a composite tumour were the CD20+ cell population that present a green staining on the membrane, present the t(11:14) translocation that confirms the diagnosis of MCL as indicated from the presence of one green, one red and two fusion signals in yellow (arrowheads). (g) Same case of composite tumour where CD30+ HRS (in red) present several copies of the CCND1 and IGH genes (red and green dots, respectively). The cells surrounding the CD30+ cells present a normal chromosome status as indicated by the normal FISH signals (two green and two red).

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