Table 6 Reduction of SSS by oral THC (Phase 1) and rectal THC-HS (Phase 2) (ANOVA with repeated measures)

From: The treatment of spasticity with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury


Phase 1 open label oral THC

Phase 2 open label rectal THC-HS





16.7 (±7.6)

22.7 (±11.7)

Day 1

7.8 (±7.0)**

9.9 (±8.2)*

Day 8

8.9 (±6.8)**

12.0 (±8.1)*

Day 43

8.9 (±7.1)*

9.2 (±9.3)*

  1. Day 1: SSS as measured 2 h after a single dose of 10 mg oral THC or 10 mg rectal THC-HS
  2. Days 8 and 43: SSS as measured 2 h after administration of the individual THC doses
  3. *P<0.05 (compared to baseline)
  4. **P<0.001 (compared to baseline)