Figure 2 | Heredity

Figure 2

From: Genealogy, morphology and fitness of spontaneous hybrids between wild and cultivated chicory (Cichorium intybus)

Figure 2

Distributions of (a) morphological hybrid index (HI) values and (b) genotypic HI values and estimated genealogies within each offspring family (1–13). (a) A value of one indicates completely wild-like morphology, and a value of five indicates completely cultivar-like morphology. (b) High (least negative) HI values indicate high similarity to the cultivar-like plants from the roadside, the HI distribution of which is shown for comparison (C); the HI distribution of individuals from a neighbouring wild population is also shown (W). The broken horizontal lines demarcate the HI ranges used to group offspring in three (see Materials and methods). Boxes present the median (central horizontal line), 25 and 75% quartiles (lower and upper edges of the box) and range of estimated normal distribution (vertical lines). Outliers (empty circles) are included. Below the box-plot is shown the distributions of most likely genealogies for the offspring in each family, as assigned by the software NewHybrids.

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