Correction to: International Journal of Obesity (2009) 33, S28–S34; doi:10.1038/ijo.2009.86

Since the publication of IJO (2009) Volume 33, Supplement 3, the authors have identified several errors in this paper:

On pages S29–S31, the fifth paragraph of Section, Sugary drinks (not carbonated), the first paragraph of Section, Carbonated beverages, and the third paragraph of Section 5.3.5, FRUIT JUICES, should begin (revised text in bold):

‘In a cohort of American (mainly White and low-income) pre-school children (n =1345, who were participants from the original North Dakota WIC Program cohort), followed up over 8.4 months, Newby et al.51 assessed (using an FFQ)…’

The information on Sample size in Sections, and 5.3.5 should read, respectively:

‘All studies were large prospective cohorts (n of 780–1345)’; ‘Both studies were large prospective cohorts (Ishihara=737, Newby=1345)’; and ‘Both studies were large prospective cohorts (n of 205–1345).’

The authors would like to apologize for these mistakes.