Figure 3 | Molecular Psychiatry

Figure 3

From: Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is involved in anxiety-related behaviors

Figure 3

Depletion of adult hippocampal neurogenesis increases predator avoidance but does not modify novelty exploration. When placed in the center of an open-field in the presence of a predator, bigenic-Dox mice, in which neurogenesis was inhibited (in comparison to control bigenic-vehicle mice): (a) retreated more quickly into the protective cylinder (t15=2.12, P=0.05); (b) spent more time inside the cylinder (t15=−2.86, P=0.011). (c) Bigenic-vehicle and bigenic-Dox mice increased exploration of the target zone of the open-field when it contained a novel object (F1,16=41.63, P=0.000008) and showed a comparable level of novelty exploration (F1,16=0.13, P>0.7). *P<0.05 in comparison to the control group; ooP<0.01, oooP<0.001, test phase (object) compared with habituation phase (empty). White bar=bigenic-vehicle mice. Black bar=bigenic-Dox mice.

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