Figure 2: Pattern of polymorphism, divergence, α and recombination rate along chromosome arms in non-overlapping 50-kbp windows. | Nature

Figure 2: Pattern of polymorphism, divergence, α and recombination rate along chromosome arms in non-overlapping 50-kbp windows.

From: The Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel

Figure 2

a, Nucleotide polymorphism (π). The solid curves give the recombination rate (cM Mb−1). b, Divergence (k) for D. simulans (light green) and D. yakuba (dark green). c, Polymorphism to divergence ratio (Pol/Div), estimated as 1 − [(π0-fold/π4-fold)/(k0-fold/k4-fold)]. An excess of 0-fold divergence relative to polymorphism (k0-fold/k4-fold) > (π0-fold/π4-fold) is interpreted as adaptive fixation whereas an excess of 0-fold polymorphism relative to divergence (π0-fold/π4-fold) > (k0-fold/k4-fold) indicates that weakly deleterious or nearly neutral mutations are segregating in the population.

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