Extended Data Figure 2: Model potential energy curves of the initial and final ICD states of ArKr produced on excitation at 246.93 eV. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 2: Model potential energy curves of the initial and final ICD states of ArKr produced on excitation at 246.93 eV.

From: Site- and energy-selective slow-electron production through intermolecular Coulombic decay

Extended Data Figure 2

The horizontal lines indicate the potential energy curves of the excited valence-ionized states produced through the resonant Auger decay of the parent state following Ar() core excitation at 246.93 eV. The steep curves indicate the potential energy of the two-site doubly ionized final states obtained after ICD. The relative populations of the final resonant Auger states are given in per cent. Only states acquiring more than 5% of the total population are depicted. The equilibrium distance of the neutral ArKr (Req = 3.88 Å) is shown as a vertical dotted line.

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