Extended Data Figure 5: Fossae in the holotype skull of Cotylocara macei (CCNHM-101) that are likely to have been filled with air sinuses. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 5: Fossae in the holotype skull of Cotylocara macei (CCNHM-101) that are likely to have been filled with air sinuses.

From: A new fossil species supports an early origin for toothed whale echolocation

Extended Data Figure 5

a, b, CT-generated model of skull in oblique dorsolateral view. c, d, Same as a, b, but from a more dorsal perspective, anterior is towards the lower left corner. Light blue, excavations of an air sinus that may be homologous to the inferior vestibule as well as the route by which it connected to the soft tissue nasal passages. Red, premaxillary air sinus. La, lacrimal; Mx, maxilla; Na, nasal; Pa, parietal; pf, postnarial fossa; Px, premaxilla; rb, rostral basin; So, supraoccipital; Sq, squamosal; zy, zygomatic process.

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