Extended Data Figure 1: Latitudinal profiles of sea-ice concentration. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 1: Latitudinal profiles of sea-ice concentration.

From: Storm-induced sea-ice breakup and the implications for ice extent

Extended Data Figure 1

ERA-Interim reanalysis of satellite observations34 is averaged between 120° E and 129° E for the peak of each large-wave event: 23 September 2012 at 18:00 (blue long-dashed), 1 October 2013 at 12:00 (green long-dashed) and 7 October 2012 at 12:00 (orange short-dashed) (all dates in utc). The solid line is the mean concentration (120 °E–129° E) between 15 September and 15 October for 1979–2012, and the shaded area (yellow) spans the maximum and minimum concentrations over the same time period.

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