Extended Data Figure 3: Brain images showing regions that classify binge drinkers at age 14. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 3: Brain images showing regions that classify binge drinkers at age 14.

From: Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers

Extended Data Figure 3

The bar charts show the contribution of each brain metric to the shown clusters. The bar is the average beta weight for each brain metric (normalized to sum to 1 and averaged over the ten outer folds). a, b, Binge drinkers had reduced activity levels in the left putamen and left hippocampus when anticipating a reward (a) and reduced activity in the right hippocampus when rewards were received (b). ce, Binge drinkers had greater activity in the right precentral and left postcentral gyri (c) when failing to inhibit a response and had greater activity in left and right precuneus (d) when they were successful in inhibiting. When processing angry faces, binge drinkers showed reduced right temporal pole and right cuneus activity (e). f, Binge drinkers had reduced grey matter volume in bilateral ventromedial prefrontal cortex, right inferior and left middle frontal gyri, but increased volume in the right putamen.

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