Extended Data Figure 5: A comparison of testing strategies using the stochastic model. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 5: A comparison of testing strategies using the stochastic model.

From: A dynamic model of bovine tuberculosis spread and control in Great Britain

Extended Data Figure 5

ad, The predicted model output compared to baseline predictions at the start (2005) and end (2010) of the implementation, for the ten controls listed in the Supplementary information and Extended Data Table 2, for reactors (a), cattle culled (b), herds tested (c) and herds under restrictions (d). e, For the baseline case and seven control measures listed in the main paper, the change in number of reactors at a county scale. Counties are aggregated into four bins (x axis) based on the number of reactors one year, and the expected number of reactors in the next year is shown on the y axis. Error bars denote the 95% prediction intervals.

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