Extended Data Figure 4: Neuroligin-3 expression data and efficiency of Cre driver mice. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 4: Neuroligin-3 expression data and efficiency of Cre driver mice.

From: Targeting neuronal activity-regulated neuroligin-3 dependency in high-grade glioma

Extended Data Figure 4

a, Nlgn3 RNA expression (FPKM values) in various cell types (data from brain RNA-seq dataset of Barres and colleagues13). b, c, Recombination rate of inducible Cre driver models 7 days after treatment with tamoxifen (100 mg kg−1 for 5 days) in Rosa26::tdTomatolox-stop-lox reporter mice. b, To assess the neuron-specific CamKIIα–CreER Cre driver, recombination efficiency was quantified as a percentage of NeuN+ neurons that co-express tdTomato+ in the cortex of either CamKIIα–CreER or CamKIIα–CreER+ mice 7 days after completion of tamoxifen administration. c, To assess the OPC-specific Cre driver PDGFRα–CreER, recombination efficiency was quantified as the number of PDGFRα+ OPCs that co-express tdTomato in the cortex of either PDGFRα–CreER or PDGFRα–CreER+ mice. n = 3 mice per group.

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