Figure 5: Tissue-specific Glucome RNAi screening of 213 non-NHR class transcription factors. | Nature Communications

Figure 5: Tissue-specific Glucome RNAi screening of 213 non-NHR class transcription factors.

From: Drosophila glucome screening identifies Ck1alpha as a regulator of mammalian glucose metabolism

Figure 5

(a,b) Transcription factors (213) tested in the primary screen, loss of 26 genes in the fat body (a) and 32 genes in the muscle (b) significantly increased haemolymph glucose; n=4 each (10 larvae per replicate), statistical significance was evaluated as outlined in Fig. 3. Initially assessed by two-tailed Student’s t-test (P<0.05, error bars indicate s.e.m.). # indicates a common hit in fat body and muscle screens. Hits were reclassified based on P values from the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, as in Fig. 3. High confidence (in magenta): P<0.05, medium confidence (in blue): P=0.057, and low confidence (in grey): P>0.057. Genes are alphabetically listed in each confidence level. After the primary screen, three repeat glucose fold changes for hyperglycaemia candidates were assessed by a 95% confidence interval; Ф symbol above bar indicates the genes not validated with 95% confidence. (c) The proportion of hyperglycaemia transcription factor hits in either tissue, overlapping hits in both tissues and genes previously associated with glucose metabolism or diabetes, and novel genes are indicated.

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