Figure 8: Subtype-specific assembly of the T3SS sorting platform by SPOA1,2–APAR interactions. | Nature Communications

Figure 8: Subtype-specific assembly of the T3SS sorting platform by SPOA1,2–APAR interactions.

From: A common assembly module in injectisome and flagellar type III secretion sorting platforms

Figure 8

Schematic illustration of the proposed role for the SPOA1,2–APAR assembly in organizing and localizing the T3SS sorting platforms in a subtype-specific fashion. IM indicates the inner membrane; ONT, the SpaO amino-terminal domain(s); 1 and 2, SpaO SPOA1 and SPOA2; B, OrgB; H, FliH; MNT, the FliM amino-terminal domains; M and N, the SPOA domains of FliM and FliN; injectisome, the membrane integral components of the pathogenic T3SS; flagellar BB, the flagellar basal body and associated integral membrane components.

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