Supplementary Figure 15: Comparison of the increase in the percent Ficoll equivalent in E. coli calculated from the volume decrease with the value determined using the crowding sensor. | Nature Methods

Supplementary Figure 15: Comparison of the increase in the percent Ficoll equivalent in E. coli calculated from the volume decrease with the value determined using the crowding sensor.

From: A sensor for quantification of macromolecular crowding in living cells

Supplementary Figure 15

The volume decrease was estimated from the length and width of the bacteria before and after the osmotic upshift and assuming a cylindrical shape of the cells. The % Ficoll equivalents after addition of 125 mM NaCl was subsequently calculated by multiplying the relative volume change with the % Ficoll equivalents before the addition of salt. The % Ficoll equivalents before addition of salt was determined using the crowding sensor and the calibration in Supplementary Figure 12. Median values of 5 independent experiments ± standard deviations are depicted.

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