Supplementary Figure 8: Axon initial segments fail to form in AnkG-deficient retinal and dorsal root ganglion cells. | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 8: Axon initial segments fail to form in AnkG-deficient retinal and dorsal root ganglion cells.

From: A hierarchy of ankyrin-spectrin complexes clusters sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier

Supplementary Figure 8

(a) Immunostaining of retinas from Ank3F/F and Six3-Cre;Ank3F/F mice using antibodies against AnkG (green), Na+ channels (red), and AnkR (blue). In the Ank3F/F retina the axon initial segment is indicated by the arrowheads (left panels). In the Six3-Cre;Ank3F/F retina the axon, with diffuse AnkR but no AnkG clustering, is indicated by arrowheads (right panels). The retinal ganglion cell is indicated by an asterisk. (b) Immunostaining of dorsal root ganglia from Ank3F/F and Avil-Cre;Ank3F/F mice using antibodies against AnkG (green), Na+ channels (red), and AnkR (blue). In the Ank3F/F dorsal root ganglion the axon initial segment is indicated by the arrowheads and a node is indicated by the arrow (left panels). The Avil-Cre;Ank3F/F dorsal root ganglia have no axon initial segments although nodes of Ranvier are intact and labeled with AnkR antibodies (arrows; right panels). Scale bars, 10 µm.

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