Supplementary Figure 1: Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals unique sets of neuropeptides, transcription factors and receptors in specific types of sympathetic neurons | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 1: Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals unique sets of neuropeptides, transcription factors and receptors in specific types of sympathetic neurons

From: Visceral motor neuron diversity delineates a cellular basis for nipple- and pilo-erection muscle control

Supplementary Figure 1

(a) Dissection of paravertebral SGs was carried out using Wnt1-Cre;R26RTOMATO mice. All organs, except the dorsal aorta (asterisks) were removed, leaving an empty rib cage (ventral view). Thoracic SGs are essentially invisible to the naked eye (left panel, brightfield) but they become visible when fluorescent light is used (right panel). Arrowheads point at the site of the SGs. (b-d) Isolated single sympathetic neurons. (b) Representative images of group-specific sympathetic neurons (in red) captured in the C1 chip. Histograms showing soma area (c) and molecule counting distributions (d) of individual cells (black bars) and average within each group of neurons (red line). (e-g) The binarized expression of transcription factors, receptors and neuropeptides. Rectangles are drawn next to single or multiple cell types to represent binary patterns of expression. For each pattern, the names of genes expressed at posterior probability > 99% levels above baseline are indicated. (h) Extended heat map showing average expression levels of genes shown in Fig. 1, e-g. Colormap: blue, the gene is expressed above baseline (> 99% posterior probability); grey, the gene is not expressed above baseline. Scale bar: 1mm (a).

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