Supplementary Figure 2: Unilateral microstimulation of vibrissa motor cortex shortens social facial touch episodes | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 2: Unilateral microstimulation of vibrissa motor cortex shortens social facial touch episodes

From: Vibrissa motor cortex activity suppresses contralateral whisking behavior

Supplementary Figure 2

(a)Cumulative histograms of the duration of social facial interactions (from first to last whisker-to-whisker touch) on days with VMC microstimulation during interactions (red lines) and days with sham stimulation during interactions (black lines) for one example rat.

(b)Interactions are shorter with VMC microstimulation than during sham stimulation (N = 4 rats, dots indicate median interaction duration, lines indicate slope (with rat-specific intercept) from LME model, colors indicate rats).

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