Supplementary Figure 11: Fixation compliance across trial types. | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 11: Fixation compliance across trial types.

From: Adults with autism overestimate the volatility of the sensory environment

Supplementary Figure 11

Mean absolute deviation (MAD) from fixation (in degrees of visual angle) across groups and conditions. Generally fixation compliance was very good, <1° of visual angle in both the vertical and horizontal axes. Stimulus duration was purposefully short to eliminate saccades. Crucially there is no systematic difference in fixation compliance that would impact on the pupillometry results, either across groups or conditions. One participant showed systematically larger deviation from fixation in the horizontal plane, though fixation was still good (below 2° visual angle) and not beyond the physical limits of the stimulus being presented. Importantly, trial-wise absolute deviation from fixation was included as a regressor of no interest in all pupillometry analyses reported in the main text and supplemental results, and thus our pupillometry analyses are corrected for eye movements. ASD, autism spectrum disorder. NT, neurotypical. UE, unexpected. N, non-predictive. E, expected. Data points represent individual participants, shaded regions and error bars show 95% confidence intervals and 1 standard deviation of the mean, red lines indicate the group mean.

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