Figure 1 | Neuropsychopharmacology

Figure 1

From: Inhibition of Hippocampal β-Adrenergic Receptors Impairs Retrieval But Not Reconsolidation of Cocaine-Associated Memory and Prevents Subsequent Reinstatement

Figure 1

β-AR blockade in dHipp disrupts CPP memory retrieval. (a) The photomicrograph shows representative guide cannula tracts. Coronal drawings (bregma, −3.24 mm) show injector tip placements for dHipp microinfusions. (b) dHipp microinfusions (arrows) of a high dose of nadolol (n=16), but not a low dose of nadolol (n=9) or saline (n=17), prevented rats from expressing a CPP during that test and subsequent microinfusion-free tests. (c) dHipp microinfusions (arrows) of nadolol (n=7) but not saline (n=5) before confinement to the previously cocaine-paired chamber prevented CPP expression during subsequent microinfusion-free tests. *p<0.05, **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.

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