Table 3 Significant Spearman rank correlations between tumor PSA score and Ki67 labeling index with other previously measured variables of prognostic significance (see Table 2 for references) describing tumor and surrounding normal prostate tissue (TINT) [37]

From: Immunoreactivity for prostate specific antigen and Ki67 differentiates subgroups of prostate cancer related to outcome


Correlation coefficient for tumor PSA score

Correlation coefficient for tumor Ki67 labeling index

Clinical markers

 Gleason score

−0.54c (n = 346)

0.50c (n = 389)

 Tumor stage

−0.41c (n = 339)

0.42c (n = 382)

 M stage

−0.31c (n = 272)

0.33c (n = 301)

 Cancer (%)

−0.47c (n = 346)

0.45c (n = 389)

 Overall survival

0.21c (n = 346)

−0.15b (n = 389)

Tumor markers

 Ki67 (%)

−0.46c (n = 331)


 pEGF-R score

−0.21b (n = 252)

0.28c (n = 293)

 pAkt score

−0.31c (n = 255)

0.36c (n = 278)

 ErbB2 score

−0.29c (n = 307)

0.29c (n = 350)

 Vascular density (%)

−0.24c (n = 330)

0.28c (n = 381)

 Hyaluronic acid score (stroma)

−0.18b (n = 334)

0.27c (n = 384)

 Mast cell density (%)

0.21c (n = 322)

−0.13a (n = 362)

 Androgen receptor (%) (stroma)

0.17b (n = 329)

−0.17b (n = 373)

 PDGFR-beta (stroma) (37)

−0.15a (n = 248)

0.21c (n = 283)

 Caveolin-1 score (stroma)

0.25c (n = 326)

−0.25c (n = 370)

 CD163 (%)

−0.24b (n = 177)


 Erg (positive or not)

−0.39c (n = 315)

0.32c (n = 350)

TINT markers



0.17b (n = 360)


−0.19b (n = 244)

0.25c (n = 284)

 PDGFR-beta (stroma) (37)

−0.13a (n = 302)

0.15b (n = 344)

 Hyaluronic acid score (stroma)

−0.14a (n = 318)

0.14b (n = 363)

 Mast cell density (%)

−0.22c (n = 299)


 Caveolin-1 score (stroma)


−0.11a (n = 352)

 Erg (positive or not)


0.16b (n = 331)

  1. aCorrelation is significant at the <0.05 level (2-tailed)
  2. bCorrelation is significant at the <0.01 level (2-tailed)
  3. cCorrelation is significant at the <0.001 level (2-tailed)