Fig. 3 | Neuropsychopharmacology

Fig. 3

From: Chronic opioid pretreatment potentiates the sensitization of fear learning by trauma

Fig. 3

Chronic opioid pretreatment potentiates trauma-induced changes in fear learning and not fear expression. a Experiment schematic. Chronic morphine and a week of drug cessation were given in-between the trauma and the rest of the SEFL procedure. b Morphine-treated animals do not display altered fear of the trauma context when placed back into it, demonstrating that morphine administration does not increase fear expression. c Morphine-treated animals display a trend toward heightened fear in the SEFL test, but this did not reach significance. Dashed line in c reflects average pre-shock baseline freezing on the previous day. Error bars reflect standard error of the mean. N = 18–19/group

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