Fig. 3 | The ISME Journal

Fig. 3

From: The stage of soil development modulates rhizosphere effect along a High Arctic desert chronosequence

Fig. 3

Bacterial community structure (alpha- and beta-diversity) associated with the rhizosphere of S. oppositifolia and bulk soils along the Midtre Lovénbreen chronosequence. a Principal coordinates analysis showing the clustering of bacterial communities according to soil fractions and developmental stage. b Distance decay analysis showing the trend of bacterial community similarity in rhizosphere and bulk samples according to soil stage difference across the chronosequence; mean slopes are given and their 95% interval of confidence are indicated in brackets. In the x axis '0' indicates the distance between samples belonging to the sam developmental stage; '1' indicates distamce between samples belonging to 'barren vs developing' and 'developing vs mature'; '2' indicates distance between samples belonging to 'barren vs mature'. c Shannon index box plot. The letters indicate statistical differences among the soil developmental stages in the same soil fraction (see Supplementary Table 3); asterisks (as per Kruskall–Wallis tests ** for p < 0.01 and *** for p < 0.001) indicate significant differences between the two fractions (rhizosphere and bulk soil) within the three soil developmental stages. d Dominance percentage (%) within bulk soil and rhizosphere OTUs of ‘barren’, ‘developing’, and ‘mature’ soil stages. e Factors determining the bacterial community variation using PERMANOVA (999 permutations) of Bray–Curtis dissimilarity and weighted and unweighted UniFrac distances for the indicated factors. In each analysis, F, the p-value and the percentage of variation (%) explained by each factor refers to the total variance reported

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