Fig. 2: Mean intracellular calcium levels and PoP3 uptake of RASF in response to CBD. | Cell Death & Disease

Fig. 2: Mean intracellular calcium levels and PoP3 uptake of RASF in response to CBD.

From: Cannabidiol (CBD): a killer for inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts

Fig. 2

ac Intracellular calcium mobilization of RASF after CBD challenge in HBSS (a, b) or without extracellular Ca2+ (PBS; c). The EC50 values obtained for the increase of intracellular calcium were significantly different (p < 0.001) between unstimulated and TNF-pre-stimulated RASF. eg PoPo3 uptake by RASF after CBD challenge in HBSS (e, f) or without extracellular Ca2+ (PBS; f). RASF were pre-stimulated with TNF (b, c, f, g) or untreated (a, e). d, h Comparison between unstimulated and TNF pre-treated RASF regarding intracellular calcium levels (d) and PoPo3 uptake (h). n is the number of experiment replicates from 29 different patient samples (a, e), 38 patient samples (b, f), and 13 patient samples (c, g). ***p < 0.001, *p < 0.05 for differences between [c] of CBD. ANOVA with Dunnett’s T3 post-hoc test was used for all comparisons.

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