Fig. 2: High expression of TFAP2A in LUAD predicts poor clinical prognosis. | Cell Death & Disease

Fig. 2: High expression of TFAP2A in LUAD predicts poor clinical prognosis.

From: TFAP2A potentiates lung adenocarcinoma metastasis by a novel miR-16 family/TFAP2A/PSG9/TGF-β signaling pathway

Fig. 2

AE OS curves between LUAD patients with high or low TFAP2A expression and HRs of univariate analysis (high group vs. low group) in five independent LUAD datasets (GSE30129, GSE31210, GSE41271, GSE50081 and TCGA-LUAD). FJ PFS curves between LUAD patients with high or low TFAP2A expression and HRs of univariate analysis (high group vs. low group) in five independent LUAD datasets (GSE30129, GSE31210, GSE41271, GSE50081 and TCGA-LUAD). K, L HRs of multivariate analysis (age, gender, TNM, clinical stage and TFAP2A expression) towards OS and PFS in TCGA-LUAD datasets. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

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