Fig. 7: ClpP overexpression rescues the climbing defect of Lon-deficient flies. | Cell Death Discovery

Fig. 7: ClpP overexpression rescues the climbing defect of Lon-deficient flies.

From: Lon protease inactivation in Drosophila causes unfolded protein stress and inhibition of mitochondrial translation

Fig. 7

a Immunoblot analysis of fly heads to confirm expression of FLAG-tagged ClpP in flies bearing a UAS-ClpP-FLAG-HA transgene and the elav-GAL4 pan-neuronal driver. b Climbing was measured in 1-day-old control flies (n= 94), LonKD-elav flies (n = 91), and LonKD-elav flies co-expressing ClpP protease (n = 83). Control = UAS-mCherry-RNAi driven by elav-GAL4. LonKD-elav; mCherry RNAi=UAS-Lon-RNAi-1 and UAS-mCherry-RNAi driven by elav-GAL4. LonKD-elav; UAS-ClpP = UAS-Lon-RNAi-1 and UAS-ClpP-FLAG-HA driven by elav-GAL4. Error bars represent SEM. ***p< 0.0005, ****p< 0.0001 by Student’s t-test

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