Fig. 2 | Nature Communications

Fig. 2

From: Coralgal reef morphology records punctuated sea-level rise during the last deglaciation

Fig. 2

High-resolution multibeam bathymetric maps illustrate the morphology of four of the ten imaged drowned coralgal reefs. a Baker Bank, b Dream Bank, c Blackfish Ridge, and d Southern Bank (see Fig. 1a for their geographical locations). Spurs (ridges) and grooves (troughs) are usually identified on the south-eastern (windward) side of the banks; the red rectangle in Fig. 2a locates well-developed spurs and grooves shown in Fig. 3a. Dream Bank in Fig. 2b represents distinct atoll morphologies, with well-developed lagoons surrounded by rimmed margins (see Fig. 3c). Dream Bank also clearly displays a set of distinct terraces, illustrated in Fig. 3d, e. Red lines on Fig. 2c locate the three 3.5 kHz seismic lines (1, 2, 3) shown in Fig. 4

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