Fig. 5 | Nature Communications

Fig. 5

From: The dynamic dimer structure of the chaperone Trigger Factor

Fig. 5

Structure of the TF dimer in solution. a Flowchart for structural model determination of TF dimer. Structural models are indicated in orange boxes. Experimental data contributions are indicated in green boxes. Software packages are identified in purple boxes. b Lowest energy structures from the two clusters obtained with HADDOCK docking based on chemical shift perturbation data. Both monomers are represented in surface view, and one of them is semi-transparent to show the backbone. c XPLOR-NIH results represented as (I) ensemble of the 10 lowest energy structures with the flexible residue segments in gray, (II) lowest energy structures with both monomers represented in surface view, one of them depicted semi-transparent to show the backbone, and (III) lowest energy structures in surface representation with experimental PRE distances represented, intermolecular (A–B, top) and intramolecular (A–A, bottom)

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