Fig. 3 | Nature Communications

Fig. 3

From: Chromatin state changes during neural development revealed by in vivo cell-type specific profiling

Fig. 3

Transitions in chromatin state affect the expression of genes involved in neural development. a Chromatin transitions during neuronal development. Proportional bar plots represent the proportion of all annotated genes in each state for each cell type. Arrows indicate the observed chromatin state transitions between cell types, with the width of the arrow proportional to the number of genes undergoing each transition. b Novel transitions activate neuronal genes following differentiation. Genes that are not expressed in NSCs and which are turned on in either neuronal cell type are illustrated for the GO term annotations signalling and axonogenesis. c Repression of NSC identity genes by HP1-associated chromatin. A transition plot illustrating all genes moving from a TrxG active chromatin state in NSCs to any repressed state in mature neurons is shown. Key genes present in individual transitions are listed alongside the chromatin state

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