Fig. 4 | Nature Communications

Fig. 4

From: Spatial fidelity of workers predicts collective response to disturbance in a social insect

Fig. 4

Bumble bee workers show strong individual variation in nest behavior that is stable across days and not associated with body size. a Loadings of individual behavioral metrics on Principal Components 1 and 2, with color indicating direction and strength of loading. Labels indicate clusters of correlated variables (Supplementary Fig. 3). b,c PC1 (“Spatial centrality” (b)) and PC2 (“Locomotor activity” (c)) scores across days for all individuals. Boxplots show the median (black marker) and inter-quartile range (IQR, gray bars) for each worker’s score across days, with individuals arranged according to median values. c,d Relationship between body mass and PC1 (d) and PC2 (e). Transparent filled markers show data for individual workers on different days, and R2 and p values are calculated from a linear regression (red line). f,g Relative contribution of body size (mass, mg), individual, day, colony, and experimental location to variance in PC1 (f) and PC2 (g) scores in undisturbed colonies. Values represent the relative contribution (% of explained variance) using hierarchical partitioning

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