Fig. 5 | Nature Communications

Fig. 5

From: Non-invasive detection of human cardiomyocyte death using methylation patterns of circulating DNA

Fig. 5

Detection of cardiac cfDNA using digital droplet PCR. a Schematic of approach for ddPCR-based detection of methylation status of multiple adjacent cytosines. A signal from two probes in the same droplet reflects lack of methylation in five adjacent cytosines in the same original DNA strand. b Signal from cardiomyocyte and leukocyte DNA based on individual or dual probes. Scoring only dual probe signals drastically reduces noise from leukocyte DNA. c Spike-in experiment assessing sensitivity and linearity of signal from cardiomyocyte DNA diluted in leukocyte DNA. The use of dual probe enhances linearity and reduces baseline signal. x axis shows both the % of cardiac DNA diluted into blood DNA, and the absolute number of cardiomyocte genomes present in each sample. d Measurement of cardiac cfDNA in plasma of healthy adult and patients with myocardial infarction. The use of dual probes reduces the baseline signal in healthy plasma. Horizontal lines represent average and standard deviation of cfDNA values among the samples in each group

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