Fig. 1 | Nature Communications

Fig. 1

From: Low irradiance multiphoton imaging with alloyed lanthanide nanocrystals

Fig. 1

Nanoparticles for low irradiance imaging. a Multiphoton energy absorption, transfer, surface loss, and emission in Yb3+/Er3+ UCNPs and aUCNPs. Energy transfer pathways were calculated with a kinetic model as described18, 33. Comparison of alloyed (b) and doped (c) UCNPs, showing energy transfer in matrix Y3+ (gray), sensitizer Yb3+ (blue), and emitter Er3+ (green) ions. d Emission spectra of single core/shell NaYb0.8Er0.2F4 aUCNPs and NaYF4: 20% Yb3+, 20% Er3+ UCNPs under 2 × 106 W cm−2 980 nm laser excitation. e High-resolution TEM image of an 8-nm NaYb0.4Er0.6F4 with 4-nm NaY0.8Gd0.2F4 shell (scale bar is 5 nm) and f high-angle annular dark-field STEM of 8-nm NaYb0.4Er0.6F4 with 8-nm NaY0.8Gd0.2F4 shells (scale bar is 25 nm)

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