Fig. 2 | Nature Communications

Fig. 2

From: Lithiophilic-lithiophobic gradient interfacial layer for a highly stable lithium metal anode

Fig. 2

Synthesis and characterization of Li metal anodes with various upper interfacial layers. a Schematic of interfacial layer fabrication in a glove box. Graphene, ZnO/CNT, or CNT were mixed with DOL, and the suspension was dripped onto the Li foil at 100 μL cm–2 and dried at 80 °C for 1 h. be Top-view SEM images of b graphene, c electrospun fiber, d ZnO/CNT, and e CNT interfacial layer. The insets show digital photographs of the corresponding Li foils with interfacial layers. Scale bar, 2 μm for b and c, and 500 nm for d and e

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