Fig. 5 | Nature Communications

Fig. 5

From: Preventing acute asthmatic symptoms by targeting a neuronal mechanism involving carotid body lysophosphatidic acid receptors

Fig. 5

Plasma from ovalbumin-sensitized rats increases carotid body activity in LPA receptor-dependent manner. a Carotid sinus nerve activity from a naive en bloc carotid body preparation in response to plasma from naive (gray trace) and OVA-sensitized (red trace) rats. Application of dual LPAr and TRPV1 blockade (AMG9810, 10 µM + BrP-LPA, 1.5 µM) is indicated by the mauve arrow and subsequent trace. b Summary data of the effect of naive (open) and OVA (red) plasma as well as subsequent dual blockade (mauve). F2,17 (one-way ANOVA) = 40.193, ***p < 0.001, mean ± sem. Holm–Šidák post hoc: OVA vs naive p < 0.001; OVA vs blockade p < 0.001

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