Fig. 3 | Nature Communications

Fig. 3

From: Sustainable scalable synthesis of sulfide nanocrystals at low cost with an ionic liquid sulfur precursor

Fig. 3

Recyclability of unreacted H2S and excess metal precursor from a homo/heterogeneous reaction using OLAHS. a Background-subtracted ATR-FTIR absorption spectra of a reaction mixture after synthesis of nanocrystals (green), compared to fresh OLAHS precursor (red) and controls (black and purple) indicating the absence of sulfur residual. b Gas-phase FTIR absorption spectra of the volatile reaction by-products (green) compared to volatile by-products of OLA (blue), shows that OLAHS releases H2S (red) and NH3 (black). The NH3 spectrum is from ref.54. c TEM images (left) (scale bar: 50 nm) and UV–Vis–NIR absorption spectra (right) of the as-synthesized Cu2S nanoparticles using fresh (balck) and recycled (red) copper precursor. Inset: size distribution of the nanocrystals. d TEM images (left) (scale bar: 25 nm) and UV–Vis–NIR absorption spectra (right) of the as-synthesized PbS nanoparticles using fresh (black) and recycled (red) lead precursor. Insets: Size distribution of the nanocrystals and sulfur yield. The error bars depict the standard deviation from more than five samples collected from the same batch of reaction. All the spectra have been offset for clarity

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