Fig. 7 | Nature Communications

Fig. 7

From: Human breast tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells retain polyfunctionality despite PD-1 expression

Fig. 7

PD-1+ CD8+ TILs from breast tumors retain cytotoxic capacity. a Non-naive CD8+ T cells isolated from bcPBMCs or bcTumor were cultured with CD19 expressing target cells and CD3-CD19 bi-specific antibodies and analyzed for CD107 mobilization by flow cytometry as shown in representative plots. b Graph depicts change (Δ) in frequency of CD107 mobilizing CD8+ cells in co-cultures with bi-specific antibody relative to those without. Parent gates were of PD-1+ and PD-1− populations from bcPBMC and bcTumor CD8+ CD45RA− T cells. c Graph depicts cytotoxicity of bcPBMC and bcTumor CD8+ after overnight co-culture with bi-specific antibodies and target cells. Significance was calculated using one-way ANOVA and Holm–Sidak multiple comparison tests; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

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