Fig. 1 | Nature Communications

Fig. 1

From: Epistasis studies reveal redundancy among calcium-dependent protein kinases in motility and invasion of malaria parasites

Fig. 1

A genetic interaction screen identifies a synthetic interaction between PbPKG and PbCDPK4 in asexual blood stages. a Schematic overview of the genetic interaction screen, definitions and analysis. b Interaction coefficients plotted against p values. Interactions selected for validation (red) required ε ≤ −0.25 or ≥ 0.25 and p value < 0.05 (shaded areas, two-tailed t-test). c Effect of cdpk4 deletion and pkg mutagenesis on the growth of asexual blood stage parasites (error bars show standard deviations from the mean; 3 independent infections). d Complementation of cdpk4 gene deletion or pkg mutagenesis with non-tagged wild-type alleles of cdpk4 or pkg (error bars show standard deviations from the mean; 3 independent infections; two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)). e Number of merozoites per schizont in control and PKGT619Q-3xHA parasites (data shown is from 3 independent in vitro cultures). f Parasitaemia observed 1 h after the intravenous injection of control or PKGT619Q-3xHA/CDPK4-KO mature segmented schizonts (data shown are from technical duplicates of four independent schizont cultures; error bars show standard deviations from the mean; two-tailed t-test). g Electron microscopy analysis of mature WT, CDPK4-KO, PKGT619Q-3xHA, and PKGT619Q-3xHA/CDPK4-KO schizonts (data from duplicates; error bars show standard deviations from the mean; two-way ANOVA, nWT = 140, nCDPK4-KO = 103, nPKGT619Q-3xHA = 48, nPKGT619Q-3xHA/CDPK4-KO = 200). h Representative electron microscopy pictures of mature WT and PKGT619Q-3xHA/CDPK4-KO schizonts. White arrows indicate gaps in the IMC that were more frequently observed in the transgenic line. Scale bar 1 µm (low magnification) and 200 nm (high magnification)

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