Fig. 3 | Nature Communications

Fig. 3

From: A soft photopolymer cuboid that computes with binary strings of white light

Fig. 3

Single-step volumetric encoding in the photopolymer cuboid. Output face (yz plane) of polymer cuboid when a encoded by two identical binary strings 0 (black bar) 1 (white bar) introduced along the y and z axes. The four carrier configurations at the output were quantified through Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis of select regions indicated by red squares; b when encoded by binary strings 010 and 10001 to generate the letter “I”. Carrier configurations are labeled; c when encoded with different binary string pairs to generate words “incoherent beam”. (ac blue (minimum) to red (maximum) intensity scales are provided; scale bar = 500 μm; bc the 0D configuration has been dulled to guide the eye.)

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