Fig. 4 | Nature Communications

Fig. 4

From: Two-dimensional semiconducting covalent organic frameworks via condensation at arylmethyl carbon atoms

Fig. 4

TEM characterization of g-C40N3-COF. a TEM image of g-C40N3-COF. Inset: fast Fourier transform (FFT) from the red square marked area. b high-resolution TEM image of g-C40N3-COF showing hexagonal pores viewing from [001] direction. c Simulated HRTEM image. The eclipsed structure model of g-C40N3-COF is overlaid. d TEM image of g-C40N3-COF from different areas. e Enlarged HRTEM image of red square marked area in d, showing 1D channels viewing from [110] direction with the pore channel diameter determined as 3.28 nm

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