Fig. 4 | Nature Communications

Fig. 4

From: Multifunctional and biodegradable self-propelled protein motors

Fig. 4

Protein motor performance. a Scaling of motion speed and lifetime. Maximum speed of the motors scales with ~l−1/3 as described by the model (dashed line), up to a maximum speed of 408 mm s−1 for l = 100 μm motors. Continuous mobility scales linearly with l up to 21 min for l = 10 mm motors and a total lifetime of over 2 h. Black circles are vmax, red squares are continuous mobility lifetime. Error bars represent standard deviation, n = 15. b Motor benchmark. Significant metrics for comparing performance of chemical motors are motor performance output αmax (maximum speed per unit volume) and motor efficiency εK max (maximum kinetic energy per unit fuel). Protein motors outperform other chemical Marangoni motors from a diversity of materials and fuels. Red stars are protein-based motors (this work), blue squares are MOF motors, green circles are polymer motors, purple triangles are droplet/solid fuel motors, yellow inverted triangles are boat motors. Full references are given in Supplementary Table 4

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