Fig. 2: Detailed assessment of the impact of AI on the SDGs within the Society group. | Nature Communications

Fig. 2: Detailed assessment of the impact of AI on the SDGs within the Society group.

From: The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Fig. 2

Documented evidence of positive or negative impact of AI on the achievement of each of the targets from SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 16 ( Each block in the diagram represents a target (see the Supplementary Data 1 for additional details on the targets). For targets highlighted in green or orange, we found published evidence that AI could potentially enable or inhibit such target, respectively. The absence of highlighting indicates the absence of identified evidence. It is noteworthy that this does not necessarily imply the absence of a relationship. (The content of of this figure has not been reviewed by the United Nations and does not reflect its views).

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